marți, 21 decembrie 2021

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C) Read the questions & answers about ALAN and ask and answer about JUDITH.
1. What does Alan do?
1. Alan's a lorry driver
R1. What does Judith do?
R1.Judith's a secretary.
2. How old is Alan?
2. He's twenty-five years old.
R2. How old is Judith?
R2. She's 18  years old.
3. How many days a week does he work?
3. He works five days a week
R3. How many days a week does she work?
R3. She works five days a week.
4. What time does he get up?
4. He gets up at six o'clock every day
R4. What time does she get up?
R4. She gets up at 7.30  every day.
5. What does he eat for breakfast?
5. He eats an enormous breakfast
R5. What does she eat for breakfast?
R5. She eats cornflakes at  breakfast.
6. What does he drink?
6. He drinks two cups of tea.
R6. What does she drink?
R6. She drinks orange-juice.
7. What does he do after breakfast?
7. Then he kisses his wife
R7. What does she do after breakfast?
R7. Then she kisses his parents.
8. What time does he leave for work?
8.He leaves for work at half past six.
R 8.What time does Judith leave for work?
R8.She leaves for work at 15.
9. Where does he have lunch?
9. He has lunch in a transport café.
R9. Where does Judith have lunch?
R9. She has lunch in a in the canteen.
10. What time does he come home?
10.He comes home at five o'clock.
R10. What time does Judith come home?
R10.She comes home at 530.
11. Where does he go in the evening?
11. In the evening he goes to the pub.
R11. Where does Judith go in the evening?
R11. In the evening she goes to the evening classes.
12. What time does he go to bed?
12.He goes to bed at ten o'clock.
eleven o'clock.
R12. What time does Judith go to bed?
R12.She goes to bed at eleven o'clock.

D) Fill in the chari for yourself. Then look at the example. Choose and write TEN sentences
from the chart:
Example: Tom always drinks fizzy drinks.
1.Tom usually buy  fast food.
2.Tom sometimes play tennis.
3.Tom usually  eat sweets.
4.Tom usually watch TV in the evenings.
5.I never save money.
6.Tom usually listen to cassettes.
7.Tom often play computer games.

SUBJECT: Present Simple, Present Continuous
A) Read the paragraph and answer the questions:

1. What does Brian do?
Brian is a doctor. 
6. When dues he always have his lunch?
He always has his lunch at 12.00 but today he isn't having lunch at
12.00, he is looking after his sick patients. It is half past seven now, Brian is watching TV. 
2. What time does he usually get up?
He usually gets up at 6.00 o'clock. 
7. What is he doing at 12.00 today?
 He usually watches TV at half past seven because his favorite programme starts at half past seven.
3. How does he usually go to work?
He arrives at work at 6.30 every morning but it is 7.30 now and he is still driving
It's 12.00 o'clock now.
8. Why does he usually watch TV at 7.30?
Today he is late, it is 6.30 and he is still in bed.
4. Why is he driving to work today?
He usually goes to work by train but today he is driving to
9. What time does he go to bed?
It is 24.00 now Brian is going to bed. He always goes to bed at 24.00.
5. What time does he arrive at work everyday?
He arrives at work at 6.30 every morning.
10. What time is he going to bed now?
He always goes to bed at 24.00.
B) Fill in the blanks with PRESENT CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE PRESENT:
1 The children play outside now.
2. She usually reads the newspaper in the morning,
3. I'mdoing my homework now.
4. I'm eating my dinner now.
5.Do you want a pizza?
6. They watching  TV now.
7. I don t likes  spaghetti.
8. The baby sleeping now.
9. My mother usually 
10. He cookes dinner in the evening
11. She writes  a letter to his pen-friend every month.
12. Mary dont like  football.
13. Tom usually listens to music now.
14. We  are drinking coffee, but he
drink ii ng tea now.
15.He goes  to work by bus everyday.

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